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Wednesday 9 January 2013

A month of challenges...

This month I am taking part in Photo A Day with Fat Mum Slim...

Today's photo prompt was 'paper'...

I am also playing along with A Month of Moments with Pip Lincolne from justb...

Todays moment was 'pattern'...

I am enjoying a new creative outlet with my Iphone photography. If you enjoy what you see here, you can follow me on Instagram here or my profile name is jloucrawford. Or you can find me on Twitter here.

You might find some inspiration and may even decide to join in with the challenges too!


P.S Linking up with Twinkle in the Eye for Wordless Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovely,
    In answer to your question on my blog today: taking my at to the next level was just a question of trying out Melody Ross' techniques including sewing on paper, moulding paste, chip art, gluing embroidery floss, stencils etc.
    I LOVE everything about Melody: her sincerity, her passion, her generosity, her style, her art. And I was so inspired by the fact that anyone could make art like hers... and she makes a living out of hers (well, among other things!).
    Have a blast during the Wing sessions. I am sorely tempted but really need to focus on other things over the next few months.
    Kat xxx
